Hollo!, I’m Prof. Ing. Kwadwo Adinkrah-Appiah
The Vice-Chancellor of this beautiful university, Sunyani Technical University; being the Chief Executive Officer, I serve as the academic and executive head and chief disciplinary officer of this University.
Prof. Ing. Adinkrah-Appiah has extensive experience in the industry. He was employed as a Site Engineer for Nissi Water Company Ltd., a general construction firm based in Kumasi in 2009 at the same time that he was performing his National Service after his B.Sc. degree. He moved to join IKA Consult, an Architectural and Engineering consulting firm based in Sunyani as a Civil/Structural Engineering Consultant in the year 2000, where he served until 2003. In the year 2006, he formed his own building consulting firm, Appimed Consult, to provide consulting services for various projects. He, thus, has eighteen years of experience as a professional Civil/Structural Engineer and has worked on several construction projects across the country including donor-funded projects such as the Village Infrastructure Project (VIP) and Urban V Project.
Born on 9th June 1969 at Atuna in the Jaman South District of the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana, Professor Ing. Kwadwo Adinkrah-Appiah started his basic education at the Roman Catholic Primary and completed at the Local Authority Middle School at Atuna in 1984. He was the School prefect both at the primary and middle school levels. He began his secondary education at Drobo Secondary School, Drobo, in the Jaman South District of the Brong-Ahafo Region in 1986 and in the same year moved to Sumaman Secondary School, Suma-Ahenkro, in the Jaman North District of the Brong-Ahafo Region where he joined the second year but remained on top of his class. He later transferred to Saint Mary’s Boys Secondary School in Takoradi where he obtained his O’Level Certificate with Distinction in 1990. He continued at Saint John’s School, Sekondi, for his A’Level Certificate in 1992, after which he did his National Service at the Drobo Secondary School as Science and Mathematics teacher in 1993. He obtained his B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, in 1998, and performed his second mandatory National Service at the Sunyani Polytechnic in 1999 as an instructor. He later obtained his MPhil and PhD degrees, in Civil Engineering, in 2006 and 2015, respectively, at his alma mater, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He also received professional training as a Civil Engineer in structural modeling at the RISA Technologies in California, USA, in 2006.

Profile of The Vice-chancellor
He has chaired and served on several boards and committees both within and outside the Sunyani Technical University as well as various research and public lecture sessions. He is a reviewer for the Annual Research Conference of the Sunyani Technical University as well as the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Structures and Materials Journal. He has led the accreditation of several programmes both as a head of department and dean of school.
Prof. Ing. Adinkrah-Appiah is an Elder of the Church of Pentecost and is married with three children.
Ceremonial Speeches
The Commandant, Training and Doctrine Command; The Director General, Training; The Deputy Registrar Academic, Sunyani Technical University, Mr Job Manu, Representing the Registrar; The Assistant Commandant; Staff officers from TRADOC; The Director, Engineer Services; Col Ernest Nyuur - Former Commanding Officer; Col K Appoah - Former Commanding Officer; The Commanding Officer, Engineer Training School; The Commanding Officer, 48 Engineer Regiment; Officers; Regimental Sargeant Major; Soldiers; Defence Civilian Staff; The Press; Freshmen and Women; Ladies and Gentlemen.
On behalf of the Governing Council, Management and Staff of Sunyani Technical University (STU), in affiliation with the Management and Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces Engineer Training School, Teshie, here in Accra, I have the pleasure to welcome all Freshmen and Women to the first Matriculation Ceremony of the Engineer Training School. A matriculation ceremony is held at the beginning of every academic year to formally admit fresh students into a university. This morning, the first batch of students of the Armed Forces Engineer Training School for the 2023/24 Academic Year would be made to swear the matriculation oath of Sunyani Technical University. They would be led to pledge solemnly and publicly to obey the provisions of the Students’ Handbook, the Statutes, and other Rules and Regulations of the University, as well as to strive to achieve excellence through the pursuit of knowledge and skills for personal and community development.
In May 2023, Sunyani Technical University signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Armed Forces Engineer Training School, Teshie, Accra, to collaborate to develop and roll out academic programmes, undertake joint research and training seminars for mutual benefits. Barely a year after the signing of the said MoA, the partnership has culminated in the rolling out of three Bachelor of Technology (BTech) programmes at the Engineer Training School, here in Teshie, Accra, including: BTech Building Technology; BTech Electrical and Electronics Engineering and BTech Wood Technology.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I must state at this juncture that the Management of Sunyani Technical University is quite satisfied with this positive development so far and hence promise to double up our efforts to ensure continuous growth of this partnership. We pledge our continuous dedication towards the achievement of all the objectives set out in the partnership agreement signed between our two Institutions.
The first intake of the Armed Forces Engineer Training School, Teshie, Accra, in affiliation with Sunyani Technical University, for the 2023/24 Academic year stands at a total of 96. Out of this number, 94, representing 97.9%, are Males, whilst 2, representing 2.1%, are Females. In terms of disciplines, 39, representing 40.6%, enrolled in BTech Building Technology; 34, representing 35.4% enrolled in BTech Electrical and Electronics Engineering; whereas 23, representing 24.0% enrolled in BTech Wood Technology.
As students of Sunyani Technical University, you are expected to exhibit a high sense of purpose and diligence in pursuing your academic career here at the Engineer Training School. This will help you achieve the required skill-set and competence that will make you successful in the world of work. You are the future leaders of this country, as some of you here, in not too far in the future, would become Lecturers of this and other Institutions, Professional Engineers, High Ranking Military Officers, Parliamentarians and even President of this country.
You should, therefore, be serious with your studies here at the Engineer Training School campus, an affiliate of the Sunyani Technical University, so that you can climb the academic ladder successfully.
The Sunyani Technical University requires you, as students of the University, to be disciplined and Law-abiding. As Military Officers, we are aware that discipline is one of your core values already, but we expect you to improve upon it during the course of your studies here at the Engineer Training School. You are here to be trained not only in academic work but also in decent character formation that would make you responsible citizens in future, to contribute positively to national development. Negative attitudes such as violation of laid down rules and regulations of the University; including examination malpractice, alcoholism, betting, thievery and all forms of sexual promiscuity among students would not be tolerated. Culprits of such acts would be made to face disciplinary procedures and consequent sanctions from the Management of the University.
I, therefore, urge you to read and understand fully the rules and regulations of the Sunyani Technical University as enshrined in the Students’ Handbook, copies of which have been made available to you individually and also published on the University Website, so that you will be conversant with them.
In conclusion, as an academic institution of higher learning, we take pride in our students and hence, we are very proud of you as our first batch of students at the Engineer Training School, Teshie, Accra. We, therefore, expect you to abide by all rules and regulations and take your studies seriously in order to excel here on campus and later in the world of work to make STU proud. Put up good character everywhere you find yourselves so that you would serve as good ambassadors of the Sunyani Technical University. I wish you a happy and successful academic career here at the Engineer Training School, and may the Lord guide and protect you till you successfully complete your programmes of study.
Thank you very much and may God bless us all.