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STU students undergo training in Research Methods

STU students undergo training in Research Methods

About 450 students of Sunyani Technical University (STU) have been taken through a two-day training workshop on Research Methods at the Kwasi Nsiah Auditorium of the University.

It was organised under the auspices of the Registrar’s office to build the capacity of the students, especially those in the final years, in the areas of academic research and writing skills.

The sessions were generally interactive as the Resource Persons involved the audience through questions intermittently.

Dr. Isaac Yaw Deh, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Grants and Research, officially opened the workshop on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor. Dr. Deh, who sat through the entire 2-day programme, entreated the students to take the session seriously to derive maximum benefits from it.

The Resource Persons, Dr. Stella Agyeman – Dua, Director of Springboard; Dr. Francis Atsu, Senior Lecturer, GIMPA and Prof Francis Fatoye, Manchester Metropolitan University took turns to engage the students through PowerPoint presentations in various aspects of academic research and writing.

Students who were interviewed after the training session expressed their delight at the content of the programme and expressed their appreciation to the management for facilitating such an educative and enlightening programme for them.

(PR office)

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